Family Immigration
La Solicitud de Inmigración basados en la familia:
La inmigración permanente o la residencia permanente legal en los EE.UU vienen con una variedad de derechos y privilegios, incluyendo el derecho a vivir y trabajar permanentemente en los EE.UU. Si usted quiere inmigrar a los EE.UU basado en la categoría-familia, usted debe patrocinado por un pariente que sea Ciudadano de los EE.UU o un residente permanente legal.
Procedimiento para la Solicitud de Inmigración basados en la familia:
Su patrocinador debe de solicitar el Formulario I-130 (Petición para Pariente Extranjero) para usted en un centro del Servicio de los Estados Unidos Ciudadanía e Inmigración (USCIS), junto con la documentación para probar que:
- El/Ella es un ciudadano o residente permanente legal de los EE.UU
- Él/Ella debe de cumplir con los recrementos de un salario mínimo y tiene que anexar a esta formulario una Declaración Jurada de Suporte económico
- Su pariente de ser su padre, madre, esposo/a, hijo/a mayores de 18 años de edad de él/ella
Cuando USCIS reciba la petición de visa de su patrocinador, esta podrá será aprobada o rechazada. Si es aprobada o rechazada, el USCIS le notificará a su patrocinador. Si se encuentra fuera de los EE.UU., el USCIS enviara la petición de visa aprobada al Departamento de Estado del Centro Nacional de Visas. El centro le notificará cuando reciba dicha petición de visa y de nuevo cuando un número de visa de inmigrante esté disponible para usted. Los números de visa de inmigrante son elegidos sobre la base de las categorías de preferencia (descrito más adelante). Puede comprobar el número de su estatus de su visa de adjudicación en el boletín de visas del Departamento de Estado.
Si usted ya está en los EE.UU. cuando un número de visa de inmigrante es asignado a usted, puede solicitar una petición para cambiar su estatus al de residente permanente legal. Si usted no está en los EE.UU. cuando un número de visa de inmigrante esté disponible, debe completar el procesamiento de su solicitud en el Consulado de los EE.UU. que brinda servicio al área donde usted reside.
Preferencia de las categorías:
Hay varias categorías de preferencia para asignar los números de la visa de inmigrante en función del estado del patrocinador.
- Asignación inmediata: los parientes inmediatos de ciudadanos de los EE.UU. no tienen que esperar a que un número de visa de inmigrante sea asignado. Cuando la solicitud es aprobada por el USCIS, el centro de USCIS le asigna un número inmediatamente. Los parientes inmediatos del patrocinador incluyen – los padres, cónyuge e hijos solteros menores de 21 años de edad.
- Primera Preferencia: adultos solteros (mayores de 21 años de edad) que son hijos e hijas de ciudadanos de los EE.UU.
- Segunda Preferencia: Cónyuges de residentes permanentes legales y sus hijos e hijas solteros de cualquier edad.
- Tercera Preferencia: Hijos e hijas casados de ciudadanos de los EE.UU
- Cuarta Preferencia: Hermanos y hermanas de ciudadanos de los EE.UU. que sean adultos.
Un ciudadano de los EE.UU puede patrocinar:
- Su cónyuge
- Hijo soltero o hijo de cualquier edad
- Hijo o Hija casado de cualquier edad
- El padre/hermano/hermana, el patrocinador tiene que tener al menos 21 años de edad para patrocinado el padre/hermano/hermana
Un residente permanente legal puede patrocinar:
- Su cónyuge
- Hijo o hija soltero(a) de cualquier edad
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There are dozens of different types of visas available under the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), but they can all be placed in one of two categories: immigrant and nonimmigrant visas. The former is for individuals who are hoping to establish permanent residency with a green card and perhaps even to pursue the path to naturalization and citizenship. The latter is for those who are only planning a temporary visit to the United States, such as for the purpose of conducting business or attending school.
The INA sets limits on the number of people who will be permitted to immigrate to the United States each year using certain types of visas, while other visas are unlimited. Family immigration visas for the immediate relatives of U.S. citizens are available on an unlimited basis, while there are annual quotas set for the relatives of lawful permanent residents and extended family of citizens, with a maximum quota of 480,000. The number of employment immigration visas is limited to 140,000 per year.
Pathways to citizenship include service in the United States military and adoption, but a large percentage of all people who become citizens do so through the process of naturalization. The basic qualifications for naturalization include:
- Living in the U.S. as a permanent resident for 5 years (or 3 years for a spouse of a U.S. citizen)
- Being at least 18 years of age
- Living within the state where you will apply for citizenship for at least 3 months prior to the application date
- Being physically present in this country for at least half of the past 5 years
- Maintaining continuous residence in this country from the date you submit your application for naturalization
- Being able to read, write and speak English
- Have a basic understanding of U.S. government and civics
It is also necessary to supply evidence that you are a person of good moral character and are attached to the principles of the U.S. Constitution. We can assist you with proving these factors, as well as preparing your petition and helping you get ready for the tests.
In June of 2012, the Obama Administration directed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to begin applying a policy that is referred to as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Under deferred action, DHS is exercising discretion in its execution of the laws concerning deportation and removal of immigrants who are illegally present in the United States. Deferred action is not a change to the existing law, but is instead a change in the way that the law is being applied. You may qualify for relief under DACA if you were younger than 31 years of age on June 15, 2012, came to the U.S. before your 16th birthday, have continuously resided in this country since June 15, 2007 and are either currently in school or have already graduated from high school or earned your general education development (GED) certificate, among other criteria. With deferred action, you may be able to avoid being deported, though it does not grant any change of immigration status.
In its review of immigrant visa petitions, the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) weighs factors related to the ties that the prospective immigrant has in the United States and the reasons why he or she wants or needs to come to live in this country. For example, a family immigration petition will not be approved unless the foreign national has immediate relatives such as a spouse, mother or father, child or sibling already living here as a citizen or green card holder. An employment immigration petition is more likely to receive approval if the applicant has a job offer in this country and is coming to fill a position that cannot reasonably be filled from the local labor market. A foreign national who is fleeing persecution in his or her home country may be granted an immigrant visa as a refugee or asylee.
There are many strategies for challenging a removal action. If the proposed deportation is based on a criminal conviction, it may be possible to appeal the conviction in order to have it overturned. Another option is to petition for cancellation of removal, a type of immigration relief which is available to people who are of good moral character and whose deportation would subject a family member who is a citizen or permanent resident to extreme hardship. The key to success in stopping deportation is to take immediate action by hiring a Virginia immigration attorney from our firm as soon as possible. Contact us now at Fayad Law, P.C. for a confidential consultation and to let us get started on your case!
Fayad Law, P.C. maintains offices in Richmond and Fairfax, Virginia. We work with individuals, families, and businesses across the world, providing them with assistance in resolving the legal issues involved with helping their loved ones and employees to immigrate to the United States. We work directly with foreign nationals living abroad, guiding them through the process of obtaining immigrant and nonimmigrant visas for entry to the U.S.
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Have questions about your rights? Ready to discuss your immigration case? Contact Fayad Law, P.C. now.